YAO 2022 has been a great success and we would like to thank everyone who supported us in hosting this unique event in Stuttgart.
The next YAO Conference will be hosted by The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) in Barcelona, Spain from from 12th to 16th of June 2023. Please visit their conference website for further details.
The Young Atom Opticians conference (YAO) is an annual meeting aimed at young PhD and master students in the field of atomic and molecular physics. Its goal is to provide participants with a platform to learn from and extend their network with peers from around the world.
The conference is traditionally organised by local PhD students.
Since 1995 it has been hosted by different institutes all over Europe, including Aarhus (2021, online), Hamburg (2019), Glasgow (2018) and Paris (2017).
YAO 2022 will take place at the University of Stuttgart on 31 July - 05 August 2022.
Invited Speakers:
- Monika Aidelsburger (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen)
- Lauriane Chomaz (Universitaet Heidelberg)
- Simon Cornish (Durham University)
- Tilman Esslinger (ETH Zuerich)
- Rudolf Grimm (Universitaet Innsbruck)
- Andreas Hemmerich (Universitaet Hamburg)
- Vito Giovanni Lucivero (The Institute of photonic sciences, Barcelona)
- Klaus Sengstock (Universitaet Hamburg)
Conference Details
Registration for YAO closed on 31 May 2022.
If you would still like to attend the event please contact us via email.
We plan to host an on-site meeting in Stuttgart in 2022. We will monitor the developments closely during the coming weeks and months and post updates on this website as soon as we know more or changes of plan become necessary.
Please be aware that the conference has to obey the current rules given by the government of Baden-Württemberg. This means that the event will most likely take place under 2G+ restrictions (vaccinated, recovered and tested, if it hast been three months since the last vaccination).
Therefore, we ask you to register only, if you can fulfill these conditions.
We try to keep the costs for the participants as small as possible, so that everyone can participate. Currently we plan that the participants only have to pay for the accommodation and only a small additional fee will be necessary.
We estimate that costs per participant will amount to ca. 250€.
YAO 2022 will be held at the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
For details on how to reach us, please refer to the website of the 5th Institute of Physics.