
5th Institute of Physics

The full list of PI5 publications

Institute Publications

  1. 2024

    1. T. Langen, G. Valtolina, D. Wang, J. Ye, Quantum state manipulation and cooling of ultracold molecules, Nature Physics 20, 702--712 (2024).
    2. F. Munkes, A. Trachtmann, P. Kaspar, F. Anschütz, P. Hengel, Y. Schellander, P. Schalberger, N. Fruehauf, J. Anders, R. Löw, T. Pfau, H. Kübler, Collisional shift and broadening of Rydberg states in nitric oxide at room temperature, Phys. Rev. A 109, 032809 (2024).
    3. K. L. Marroquín, R. Wang, A. Allahverdian, N. Durand-Brousseau, S. Colombini, F. Kogel, J. S. Keller, T. Langen, E. R. Grant, Self-organization in the avalanche, quench and dissipation of a molecular ultracold plasma, Journal of Plasma Physics 90, 935900101-- (2024).
    4. M. Berngruber, D. J. Bosworth, O. A. Herrera-Sancho, V. S. V. Anasuri, N. Zuber, F. Hummel, J. Krauter, F. Meinert, R. Löw, P. Schmelcher, T. Pfau, In situ observation of non-polar to strongly polar atom-ion collision dynamics, Physical Review Letters 133, 083001 (2024).
    5. C. Hölzl, A. Götzelmann, E. Pultinevicius, M. Wirth, F. Meinert, Long-Lived Circular Rydberg Qubits of Alkaline-Earth Atoms in Optical Tweezers, Phys. Rev. X 14, 021024 (2024).
    6. H. Alaeian, A. Skljarow, S. Scheel, T. Pfau, R. Löw, Manipulating the dipolar interactions and cooperative effects in confined geometries, New Journal of Physics 26, 055001 (2024).
    7. F. Engel, S. K. Tiwari, T. Pfau, S. Wüster, F. Meinert, In situ observation of chemistry in Rydberg molecules within a Bose-Einstein-condensate, Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 033150 (2024).
    8. J. A. P. Reuter, M. Mäusezahl, F. Moumtsilis, T. Pfau, T. Calarco, R. Löw, M. M. Müller, Analyzing the collective emission of a Rydberg-blockaded single-photon source based on an ensemble of thermal atoms, Phys. Rev. A 109, 013705 (2024).
    9. F. Kogel, T. Garg, M. Rockenhäuser, S. A. Morales-Ramírez, T. Langen, Isotopologue-selective laser cooling of molecules, arXiv (2024), doi:
    10. M. Rockenhäuser, F. Kogel, T. Garg, S. A. Morales-Ramírez, T. Langen, Laser cooling of barium monofluoride molecules using synthesized optical spectra, arXiv (2024), doi:10.48550/arXiv.2405.09427.
    11. M. Schmidt, S. Bohaichuk, V. Venu, F. Christaller, C. Liu, F. Ripka, H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, Rydberg-atom-based radio-frequency sensors: amplitude-regime sensing, Optics Express 32, 27768 (2024).
  2. 2023

    1. S. M. Bohaichuk, F. Ripka, V. Venu, F. Christaller, C. Liu, M. Schmidt, H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, Three-photon Rydberg-atom-based radio-frequency sensing scheme with narrow linewidth, Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, L061004 (2023).
    2. Y.-Q. Zou, M. Berngruber, V. S. V. Anasuri, N. Zuber, F. Meinert, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Observation of Vibrational Dynamics of Orientated Rydberg-Atom-Ion Molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 023002 (2023).
    3. C. Hölzl, A. Götzelmann, M. Wirth, M. S. Safronova, S. Weber, F. Meinert, Motional ground-state cooling of single atoms in state-dependent optical tweezers, Phys. Rev. Res. 5, 033093 (2023).
    4. T. Langen, G. Valtolina, D. Wang, J. Ye, Quantum state manipulation and science of ultracold molecules, arxiv (2023), doi:arxiv:2305.13445.
    5. Y. Schellander, M. Winter, M. Schamber, F. Munkes, P. Schalberger, H. Kuebler, T. Pfau, N. Fruehauf, Ultraviolet photodetectors and readout based on a-IGZO semiconductor technology, Journal of the Society for Information Display (2023), doi:10.1002/jsid.1202.
    6. E. Pultinevicius, M. Rockenhäuser, F. Kogel, P. Groß, T. Garg, O. E. Prochnow, T. Langen, A scalable scanning transfer cavity laser stabilization scheme based on the Red Pitaya STEMlab platform, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 103004 (2023).
    7. M. Rockenhäuser, F. Kogel, E. Pultinevicius, T. Langen, Absorption spectroscopy for laser cooling and high-fidelity detection of barium monofluoride molecules, Phys. Rev. A 108, 062812 (2023).
  3. 2022

    1. A. Skljarow, H. Kübler, C. S. Adams, T. Pfau, R. Löw, H. Alaeian, Purcell-enhanced dipolar interactions in nanostructures, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023073 (2022).
    2. A. Pagano, S. Weber, D. Jaschke, T. Pfau, F. Meinert, S. Montangero, H. P. Büchler, Error budgeting for a controlled-phase gate with strontium-88 Rydberg atoms, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 033019 (2022).
    3. P. Kaspar, F. Munkes, P. Neufeld, L. Ebel, Y. Schellander, R. Löw, T. Pfau, H. Kübler, Doppler-free high-resolution continuous-wave optical UV spectroscopy on the A2Σ+ ← X2Π3/2 transition in nitric oxide, Phys. Rev. A 106, 062816 (2022).
    4. T. Krehlik, A. Stabrawa, R. Gartman, K. T. Kaczmarek, R. Löw, A. Wojciechowski, Zeeman optical pumping of 87Rb atoms in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber, Optics Letters 47, 5731 (2022).
    5. T. Langen, Dipolar supersolids: Solid and superfluid at the same time, Physics Today 75, 36–41 (2022).
    6. L. Chomaz, I. Ferrier-Barbut, F. Ferlaino, B. Laburthe-Tolra, B. L. Lev, T. Pfau, Dipolar physics: a review of experiments with magnetic quantum gases, Reports on Progress in Physics 86, 026401 (2022).
    7. J. Fraxanet, D. Gonzalez-Cuadra, T. Pfau, M. Lewenstein, T. Langen, L. Barbiero, Topological quantum critical points in the extended Bose-Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 043402 (2022).
    8. L. Chomaz, I. Ferrier-Barbut, F. Ferlaino, B. Laburthe-Tolra, B. L. Lev, T. Pfau, Dipolar physics: A review of experiments with magnetic quantum gases (2022), (available at
    9. M. Schmidt, L. Lassablière, G. Quéméner, T. Langen, Self-bound dipolar droplets and supersolids in molecular Bose-Einstein  condensates. Physical Review Research. 4 (2022), p. 013235.
    10. F. Christaller, M. Mäusezahl, F. Moumtsilis, A. Belz, H. Kübler, H. Alaeian, C. S. A. Adams, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Transient dipolar interactions in a thin vapor cell, Physical Review Letters 128, 173401 (2022).
    11. D. R. Häupl, D. Weller, R. Löw, N. Y. Joly, Spatially resolved spectroscopy of alkali metal vapour diffusing inside hollow-core photonic crystal fibres, New Journal of Physics 24, 113017 (2022).
    12. P. Ruchka, S. Hammer, M. Rockenhäuser, R. Albrecht, J. Drozella, S. Thiele, H. Giessen, T. Langen, Microscopic 3D printed optical tweezers for atomic quantum technology, Quantum Science and Technology 7, 045011 (2022).
    13. S. Tiwari, F. Engel, M. Wagner, R. Schmidt, F. Meinert, S. Wüster, Dynamics of atoms within atoms, New Journal of Physics 24, 073005 (2022).
    14. N. Zuber, V. S. V. Anasuri, M. Berngruber, Y.-Q. Zou, F. Meinert, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Observation of a molecular bond between ions and Rydberg atoms, Nature 605, 453--456 (2022).
  4. 2021

    1. J. Hertkorn, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Guo, F. Böttcher, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, P. Uerlings, H. P. Büchler, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, T. Pfau, Supersolidity in Two-Dimensional Trapped Dipolar Droplet Arrays, Physical Review Letters 127, 155301 (2021).
    2. C. Veit, N. Zuber, O. A. Herrera-Sancho, V. S. V. Anasuri, T. Schmid, F. Meinert, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Pulsed Ion Microscope to Probe Quantum Gases, Phys. Rev. X 11, 011036 (2021).
    3. F. Böttcher, J.-N. Schmidt, J. Hertkorn, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, M. Guo, T. Langen, T. Pfau, New states of matter with fine-tuned interactions: quantum droplets and dipolar supersolids, Reports on Progress in Physics 84, 012403 (2021).
    4. J. Hertkorn, J.-N. Schmidt, F. Böttcher, M. Guo, M. Schmidt, K. Ng, S. Graham, H. P. Büchler, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, T. Pfau, Density Fluctuations across the Superfluid-Supersolid Phase Transition in a Dipolar Quantum Gas, Phys. Rev. X 11, 011037 (2021).
    5. I. Caltzidis, H. Kübler, T. Pfau, R. Löw, M. A. Zentile, An atomic Faraday beam splitter for light generated from pump degenerate four-wave mixing in a hollow-core photonic crystal fiber, Phys. Rev. A 103, 043501 (2021).
    6. J.-N. Schmidt, J. Hertkorn, M. Guo, F. Böttcher, M. Schmidt, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, T. Pfau, Roton Excitations in an Oblate Dipolar Quantum Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 193002 (2021).
    7. F. Davidson-Marquis, J. G. Esteban Gomez-Lopez, B. Jang, T. Kroh, C. Müller, M. Ziegler, S. A. Maier, H. Kübler, M. A. Schmidt, O. Benson, Coherent interaction of atoms with a beam of light confined in a light cage, Light: Science & Applications 10, 114 (2021).
    8. T. Dieterle, M. Berngruber, C. Hölzl, R. Löw, K. Jachymski, T. Pfau, F. Meinert, Transport of a Single Cold Ion Immersed in a Bose-Einstein Condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 033401 (2021).
    9. J. Hertkorn, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Guo, F. Böttcher, K. S. H. Ng, S. D. Graham, P. Uerlings, T. Langen, M. Zwierlein, T. Pfau, Pattern Formation in Quantum Ferrofluids: from Supersolids to Superglasses, Physical Review Research 3, 033125 (2021).
    10. H. Alaeian, G. Giedke, I. Carusotto, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Limit cycle phase and Goldstone mode in driven dissipative systems, Phys. Rev. A 103, 013712 (2021).
    11. F. Kogel, M. Rockenhäuser, R. Albrecht, T. Langen, A laser cooling scheme for precision measurements using fermionic barium monofluoride (137Ba19F) molecules, New Journal of Physics 23, 095003 (2021).
  5. 2020

    1. M. J. Mark, S. Flannigan, F. Meinert, J. P. DIncao, A. J. Daley, H.-C. Nägerl, Interplay between coherent and dissipative dynamics of bosonic doublons in an optical lattice, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043050 (2020).
    2. A. Skljarow, N. Gruhler, W. Pernice, H. Kübler, T. Pfau, R. Löw, H. Alaeian, Integrating two-photon nonlinear spectroscopy of rubidium atoms with silicon photonics, Opt. Express 28, 19593--19607 (2020).
    3. R. Albrecht, M. Scharwaechter, T. Sixt, L. Hofer, T. Langen, Buffer-gas cooling, high-resolution spectroscopy, and optical cycling of barium monofluoride molecules, Phys. Rev. A 101, 013413 (2020).
    4. K. Jachymski, F. Meinert, Vibrational Quenching of Weakly Bound Cold Molecular Ions Immersed in Their Parent Gas, applied sciences 10, 2371 (2020).
    5. M. Guo, T. Pfau, A new state of matter of quantum droplets, Frontiers of Physics 16, 32202 (2020).
    6. H. Alaeian, R. Ritter, M. Basic, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Cavity QED based on room temperature atoms interacting with a photonic crystal cavity: a feasibility study, Applied Physics B 126, 25 (2020).
    7. J. Schmidt, Y. Münzenmaier, P. Kaspar, P. Schalberger, H. Baur, R. Löw, N. Fruehauf, T. Pfau, H. Kübler, An optogalvanic gas sensor based on Rydberg excitations, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 53, 094001 (2020).
    8. F. Meinert, C. Hölzl, M. A. Nebioglu, A. D’Arnese, P. Karl, M. Dressel, M. Scheffler, Indium tin oxide films meet circular Rydberg atoms: Prospects for novel quantum simulation schemes, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023192 (2020).
    9. D. Reens, H. Wu, A. Aeppli, A. McAuliffe, P. Wcisło, T. Langen, J. Ye, Beyond the limits of conventional Stark deceleration, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033095 (2020).
    10. O. de Vries, M. Plötner, F. Christaller, H. Zhang, A. Belz, B. Heinrich, H. Kübler, R. Löw, T. Pfau, T. Walbaum, T. Schreiber, A. Tünnermann, Highly customized 1010 nm, ns-pulsed Yb-doped fiber amplifier as a key tool for on-demand single-photon generation, Opt. Express 28, 17362--17373 (2020).
    11. H. Dobbertin, R. Löw, S. Scheel, Collective dipole-dipole interactions in planar nanocavities, Phys. Rev. A 102, 031701 (2020).
    12. M. Deiß, S. Haze, J. Wolf, L. Wang, F. Meinert, C. Fey, F. Hummel, P. Schmelcher, J. Hecker Denschlag, Observation of spin-orbit-dependent electron scattering using long-range Rydberg molecules, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013047 (2020).
    13. R. Mukherjee, F. Sauvage, H. Xie, R. Loew, F. Mintert, Preparation of ordered states in ultra-cold gases using Bayesian optimization, New Journal of Physics 22, 075001 (2020).
    14. T. Dieterle, M. Berngruber, C. Hölzl, R. Löw, K. Jachymski, T. Pfau, F. Meinert, Inelastic collision dynamics of a single cold ion immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. A 102, 041301 (2020).
  6. 2019

    1. H. Alaeian, C. W. S. Chang, M. V. Moghaddam, C. M. Wilson, E. Solano, E. Rico, Creating lattice gauge potentials in circuit QED: The bosonic Creutz ladder, Phys. Rev. A 99, 053834 (2019).
    2. F. Böttcher, M. Wenzel, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Guo, T. Langen, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, R. Bomb\’ın, J. Sánchez-Baena, J. Boronat, F. Mazzanti, Dilute dipolar quantum droplets beyond the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation, Phys. Rev. Research 1, 033088 (2019).
    3. F. Böttcher, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Wenzel, J. Hertkorn, M. Guo, T. Langen, T. Pfau, Transient Supersolid Properties in an Array of Dipolar Quantum Droplets, Phys. Rev. X 9, 011051 (2019).
    4. D. Weller, J. P. Shaffer, T. Pfau, R. Löw, H. Kübler, Interplay between thermal Rydberg gases and plasmas, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043418 (2019).
    5. J. Hertkorn, F. Böttcher, M. Guo, J. N. Schmidt, T. Langen, H. P. Büchler, T. Pfau, Fate of the Amplitude Mode in a Trapped Dipolar Supersolid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 193002 (2019).
    6. M. Guo, F. Böttcher, J. Hertkorn, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Wenzel, H. P. Büchler, T. Langen, T. Pfau, The low-energy Goldstone mode in a trapped dipolar supersolid, Nature 574, 386--389 (2019).
    7. J.-F. Mennemann, T. Langen, L. Exl, N. J. Mauser, Optimal control of the self-bound dipolar droplet formation process, Computer Physics Communications 244, 205--216 (2019).
    8. F. Engel, T. Dieterle, F. Hummel, C. Fey, P. Schmelcher, R. Löw, T. Pfau, F. Meinert, Precision Spectroscopy of Negative-Ion Resonances in Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 073003 (2019).
  7. 2018

    1. T. Schmid, C. Veit, N. Zuber, R. Löw, T. Pfau, M. Tarana, M. Tomza, Rydberg Molecules for Ion-Atom Scattering in the Ultracold Regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 153401 (2018).
    2. I. Ferrier-Barbut, M. Wenzel, F. Böttcher, T. Langen, T. Pfau, Onset of a modulational instability in trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 97, 011604 (2018).
    3. I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, Quantum liquids get thin, Science 359, 274 (2018).
    4. M. J. Mark, F. Meinert, K. Lauber, H.-C. Nägerl, Mott-insulator-aided detection of ultra-narrow Feshbach resonances, SciPost Phys. 5, 055 (2018).
    5. I. Ferrier-Barbut, M. Wenzel, F. Böttcher, T. Langen, M. Isoard, S. Stringari, T. Pfau, Scissors Mode of Dipolar Quantum Droplets of Dysprosium Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 160402 (2018).
    6. R. Ritter, N. Gruhler, H. Dobbertin, H. Kübler, S. Scheel, W. Pernice, T. Pfau, R. Löw, Coupling Thermal Atomic Vapor to Slot Waveguides, Phys. Rev. X 8, 021032 (2018).
    7. H. Wu, D. Reens, T. Langen, Y. Shagam, D. Fontecha, J. Ye, Enhancing radical molecular beams by skimmer cooling, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 20, 11615–11621 (2018).
    8. T. Langen, T. Schweigler, E. Demler, J. Schmiedmayer, Double light-cone dynamics establish thermal states in integrable 1D Bose gases, New J. Phys. 20, 023034 (2018).
    9. M. Wenzel, T. Pfau, I. Ferrier-Barbut, A fermionic impurity in a dipolar quantum droplet, Physica Scripta 93, 104004 (2018).
    10. M. Wenzel, F. Böttcher, J.-N. Schmidt, M. Eisenmann, T. Langen, T. Pfau, I. Ferrier-Barbut, Anisotropic Superfluid Behavior of a Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 030401 (2018).
    11. K. S. Kleinbach, F. Engel, T. Dieterle, R. Löw, T. Pfau, F. Meinert, Ionic Impurity in a Bose-Einstein Condensate at Submicrokelvin Temperatures, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 193401 (2018).
    12. T. Langen, M. J. Mark, Ultrakalt magnetisiert, Physik Journal 17, 35 (2018).
    13. F. Engel, T. Dieterle, T. Schmid, C. Tomschitz, C. Veit, N. Zuber, R. Löw, T. Pfau, F. Meinert, Observation of Rydberg Blockade Induced by a Single Ion, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 193401 (2018).
    14. J. Schmidt, M. Fiedler, R. Albrecht, D. Djekic, P. Schalberger, H. Baur, N. Frühauf, R. Löw, T. Pfau, J. Anders, E. R. Grant, H. Kübler, Proof of concept for an optogalvanic gas sensor for NO based on Rydberg excitations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 011113 (2018).
  8. 2017

    1. M. Wenzel, F. Böttcher, T. Langen, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, Striped states in a many-body system of tilted dipoles, Phys. Rev. A 96, 053630 (2017).
    2. D. Weller, A. Yilmaz, H. Kübler, R. Löw, High vacuum compatible fiber feedthrough for hot alkali vapor cells, Appl. Opt. 56, 1546–1549 (2017).
    3. D. Reens, H. Wu, T. Langen, J. Ye, Controlling spin flips of molecules in an electromagnetic trap, Phys. Rev. A 96, 063420 (2017).
    4. J. Schmidt, P. Schalberger, H. Baur, R. Löw, T. Pfau, H. Kübler, N. Frühauf, A transimpedance amplifier based on a LTPS process operated in alkali vapor24th (2017) (available at
    5. F. Meinert, Riesenmoleküle am absoluten Nullpunkt, Phys. Unserer Zeit 48, 236–242 (2017).
    6. K. Jachymski, F. Meinert, H. Veksler, P. S. Julienne, S. Fishman, Ultracold atoms in quasi-1D traps: a step beyond the Lieb-Liniger model, Phys. Rev. A 95, 052703 (2017).
    7. T. Schweigler, V. Kasper, S. Erne, I. Mazets, B. Rauer, F. Cataldini, T. Gasenzer, T. Langen, J. Schmiedmayer, J. Berges, Experimental characterization of a quantum many-body system via higher-order correlations, Nature 545, 323–326 (2017).
    8. G. Epple, N. Y. Joly, T. G. Euser, P. St. J. Russell, R. Löw, Effect of stray fields on Rydberg states in hollowcore PCF probed by higher-order modes, Optics Letters 42, 3271–3274 (2017).
    9. J. Gutekunst, D. Weller, H. Kübler, J. Negel, M. A. Ahmed, T. Graf, R. L. A. O. Vol. 56, I. 21, pp. 5898-5902 (2017), Fiber-integrated spectroscopy device for hot alkali vapor, Appl. Opt. 56, 5898–5902 (2017).
    10. S. Kumar, H. Fan, H. Kübler, J. Sheng, J. P. Shaffer, Atom-Based Sensing of Weak Radio Frequency Electric Fields Using Homodyne Readout, Scientific Reports 7, 42981 (2017).
    11. K. Kleinbach, F. Meinert, F. Engel, W. Kwon, R. Löw, T. Pfau, G. Raithel, Photoassociation of Trilobite Rydberg Molecules via Resonant Spin-Orbit Coupling, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 223001 (2017).
    12. S. Weber, C. Tresp, H. Menke, A. Urvoy, O. Firstenberg, H. P. Büchler, S. Hofferberth, Calculation of Rydberg interaction potentials, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50, 133001 (2017).
    13. S. Kumar, H. Fan, H. Kübler, A. J. Jahangiri, J. P. Shaffer, Rydberg-atom based radio-frequency electrometry using frequency modulation spectroscopy in room temperature vapor cells, Opt. Express 25, 8625–8637 (2017).
  9. 2016

    1. F. Böttcher, A. Gaj, K. M. Westphal, M. Schlagmüller, K. S. Kleinbach, R. Löw, T. C. Liebisch, T. Pfau, S. Hofferberth, Observation of mixed singlet-triplet Rb2 Rydberg molecules, Phys. Rev. A 93, 032512 (2016).
    2. H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, C. Wink, T. Maier, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, Observing the Rosensweig instability of a quantum ferrofluid, Nature 530, 194 (2016).
    3. M. Schlagmüller, T. C. Liebisch, F. Engel, K. S. Kleinbach, F. Böttcher, U. Hermann, K. M. Westphal, A. Gaj, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, J. Pérez-Ríos, C. H. Greene, Ultracold Chemical Reactions of a Single Rydberg Atom in a Dense Gas, Phys. Rev. X 6, 031020 (2016).
    4. M. Schlagmüller, T. C. Liebisch, H. Nguyen, G. Lochead, F. Engel, F. Böttcher, K. M. Westphal, K. S. Kleinbach, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, J. Pérez-Ríos, C. H. Greene, Probing an Electron Scattering Resonance using Rydberg Molecules within a Dense and Ultracold Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 053001 (2016).
    5. D. Weller, A. Urvoy, A. Rico, R. Löw, H. Kübler, Charge-induced optical bistability in thermal Rydberg vapor, Phys. Rev. A 94, 063820 (2016).
    6. I. Ferrier-Barbut, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, H. Kadau, T. Pfau, Liquid quantum droplets of ultracold magnetic atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 49, 214004 (2016).
    7. A. Paris-Mandoki, H. Gorniaczyk, C. Tresp, I. Mirgorodskiy, S. Hofferberth, Tailoring Rydberg interactions via Förster resonances: state combinations, hopping and angular dependence, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 164001 (2016).
    8. Y. Chen, F. Ripka, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Pulsed Rydberg four-wave mixing with motion-induced dephasing in a thermal vapor, Appl. Phys. B 122:18, 1–6 (2016).
    9. I. Ferrier-Barbut, H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, T. Pfau, Observation of quantum droplets in a strongly dipolar Bose gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 215301 (2016).
    10. I. Ferrier-Barbut, Smashing magnets, New Journal of Physics 18, 111004 (2016).
    11. C. Veit, G. Epple, H. Kübler, T. G. Euser, P. St. J. Russell, R. Löw, RF-dressed Rydberg atoms in hollow-core fibres, Journal of Physics B: Atomic 49, 134005 (2016).
    12. H. Q. Fan, S. Kumar, H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, Dispersive radio frequency electrometry using Rydberg atoms in a prism-shaped atomic vapor cell, Journal of Physics B: Atomic 49, 104004 (2016).
    13. T. C. Liebisch, M. Schlagmüller, F. Engel, H. Nguyen, J. Balewski, G. Lochead, F. Böttcher, K. M. Westphal, K. S. Kleinbach, T. Schmid, A. Gaj, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, J. Pérez-Ríos, C. H. Greene, Controlling Rydberg atom excitations in dense background gases, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 182001 (2016).
    14. R. Ritter, N. Gruhler, W. H. P. Pernice, H. Kübler, T. Pfau, R. Löw, Coupling thermal atomic vapor to an integrated ring resonator, New Journal of Physics 18, 103031 (2016).
    15. C. Tresp, C. Zimmer, I. Mirgorodskiy, H. Gorniaczyk, A. Paris-Mandoki, S. Hofferberth, Single-photon absorber based on strongly interacting Rydberg atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 223001 (2016).
    16. M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, B. Böttcher, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, Self-bound droplets of a dilute magnetic quantum liquid, Nature 539, 259 (2016).
  10. 2015

    1. T. Karpiuk, M. Brewczyk, K. Rzążewski, A. Gaj, J. B. Balewski, A. T. Krupp, M. Schlagmüller, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, Imaging single Rydberg electrons in a Bose–Einstein condensate, New Journal of Physics 17, 053046 (2015).
    2. J. Rührig, T. Bäuerle, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, High efficiency demagnetization cooling by suppression of light-assisted collisions, Opt. Express 23, 5596–5606 (2015).
    3. C. Tresp, P. Bienias, S. Weber, H. Gorniaczyk, I. Mirgorodskiy, H. P. Büchler, S. Hofferberth, Dipolar dephasing of Rydberg D-state polaritons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 083602 (2015).
    4. H. Gorniaczyk, C. Tresp, P. Bienias, A. Paris-Mandoki, W. Li, I. Mirgorodskiy. H. P. Büchler, I. Lesanovsky, S. Hofferberth, Enhancement of single-photon transistor by Stark-tuned Förster resonance, Nature Communications 7, 12480 (2015).
    5. R. Ritter, N. Gruhler, W. Pernice, H. Kübler, T. Pfau, R. Löw, Atomic vapor spectroscopy in integrated photonic structures, Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 041101 (2015).
    6. T. Maier, H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, I. Ferrier-Barbut, T. Pfau, A. Frisch, S. Baier, K. Aikawa, L. Chomaz, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, C. Makrides, E. Tiesinga, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, Emergence of chaotic scattering in ultracold Er and Dy, Phys. Rev. X 5, 041029 (2015).
    7. H. Fan, S. Kumar, J. Sedlacek, H. Kübler, S. Karimkashi, J. P. Shaffer, Atom based RF electric field sensing, Journal of Physics B: Atomic 48, 202001 (2015).
    8. J. Rührig, T. Bäuerle, P. S. Julienne, E. Tiesinga, T. Pfau, Photoassociation of spin polarized Chromium, Phys. Rev. A 93, 021406 (2015).
    9. A. Urvoy, F. Ripka, I. Lesanovsky, D. Booth, J. P. Shaffer, T. Pfau, R. Löw, Strongly Correlated Growth of Rydberg Aggregates in a Vapor Cell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 203002 (2015).
    10. T. Maier, I. Ferrier-Barbut, H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, M. Wenzel, C. Wink, T. Pfau, K. Jachymski, P. S. Julienne, Phys. Rev. A, in press, doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.92.060702.
    11. A. Gaj, A. T. Krupp, P. Ilzhöfer, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, Hybridization of Rydberg electron orbitals by molecule formation, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 023001 (2015).
  11. 2014

    1. A. Gaj, A. T. Krupp, J. B. Balewski, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, From molecular spectra to a density shift in dense Rydberg gases, Nature Comm. 5, 4546 (2014).
    2. S. M. Ulrich, S. Weiler, M. Oster1, M. Jetter, A. Urvoy, R. Löw, P. Michler, Spectroscopy of the D1 transition of cesium by dressed-state resonance fluorescence from a single (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot, Phys. Rev. B 90, 125310 (2014).
    3. R. Daschner, H. Kübler, R. Löw, H. Baur, N. Frühauf, T. Pfau, Triple stack glass-to-glass anodic bonding for optogalvanic spectroscopy cells with electrical feedthroughs, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 041107 (2014).
    4. A. T. Krupp, A. Gaj, J. B. Balewski, P. Ilzhöfer, S. Hofferberth, R. Löw, T. Pfau, M. Kurz, P. Schmelcher, Alignment of D-state Rydberg molecules, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 143008 (2014).
    5. B. Huber, A. Kölle, T. Pfau, Motion-induced signal revival in pulsed Rydberg four-wave mixing beyond the frozen-gas limit, Phys. Rev. A 90, 053806 (2014).
    6. T. Maier, H. Kadau, M. Schmitt, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for dysprosium atoms, Optics Letters 39, 3138 (2014).
    7. G. Epple, K. S. Kleinbach, T. G. Euser, N. Y. Joly, T. Pfau, P. St. J. Russell, R. Löw, Rydberg atoms in hollow-core photonic crystal fibres, Nature Communications 5, 4132 (2014).
    8. H. Gorniaczyk, C. Tresp, J. Schmidt, H. Fedder, S. Hofferberth, Single Photon Transistor Mediated by Inter-State Rydberg Interaction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 053601 (2014).
    9. T. Karpiuk, M. Brewczyk, K. Rzążewski, A. Gaj, J. B. Balewski, A. T. Krupp, M. Schlagmüller, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, Detecting and imaging single Rydberg electrons in a Bose-Einstein condensate, New Journal of Physics 17, 053046 (2014).
    10. R. Löw, Rydberg atoms: Two to tango, Nature Physics 10, 901–902 (2014).
    11. J. B. Balewski, A. T. Krupp, A. Gaj, S. Hofferberth, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Rydberg dressing: Understanding of collective many-body effects and implications for experiments, New J. Phys. 16, 063012 (2014).
    12. K. R. A. Hazzard, M. van d. Worm, M. Foss-Feig, S. R. Manmana, E. D. Torre, T. Pfau, M. Kastner, A. M. Rey, Quantum correlations and entanglement in far-from-equilibrium spin systems, Phys. Rev. A 90, 063622 (2014).
    13. W. Kiefer, R. Löw, J. W. &. I. Gerhardt, Na-Faraday rotation filtering: The optimal point, Scientific Reports volume 4, 6552 (2014).
    14. H. Q. Fan, S. Kumar, R. Daschner, H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, Subwavelength microwave electric-field imaging using Rydberg atoms inside atomic vapor cells, Opt. Lett. 39, 3030–3033 (2014).
  12. 2013

    1. K. Pawlowski, P. Bienias, T. Pfau, K. Rzazewski, Correlations of a quasi-two-dimensional dipolar ultracold gas at finite temperatures, Phys. Rev. A 87, 043620 (2013).
    2. M. Schmitt, E. A. L. Henn, J. Billy, H. Kadau, T. Maier, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, Spectroscopy of a narrow-line optical pumping transition in dysprosium, Opt. Lett. 38, 637 (2013).
    3. V. V. Volchkov, J. Rührig, T. Pfau, A. Griesmaier, Efficient demagnetization cooling of atoms and its limits, arXiv: 89 (2013), doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.89.043417.
    4. V. V. Volchkov, J. Rührig, T. Pfau, A. Griesmaier, Sisyphus cooling in a continuously loaded trap, New J. Phys. 15, 093012 (2013).
    5. J. B. Balewski, A. T. Krupp, A. Gaj, D. Peter, H. P. Büchler, R. Löw, S. Hofferberth, T. Pfau, Coupling a single electron to a Bose–Einstein condensate, Nature 502, 664--667 (2013).
    6. M. M. Müller, A. Kölle, R. Löw, T. Pfau, T. Calarco, S. Montangero, Room temperature Rydberg Single Photon Source, Phys. Rev. A 87, 053412 (2013).
    7. H. Kübler, D. Booth, J. Sedlacek, P. Zabawa, J. P. Shaffer, Exploiting the coupling between a Rydberg-atom and a surface phonon polariton for single-photon subtraction, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043810 (2013).
    8. A. Maluckov, G. Gligoric, L. Hadzievski, B. A. Malomed, T. Pfau, High- and low-frequency phonon modes in dipolar quantum gases trapped in deep lattices, Phys. Rev. A 87, 023623 (2013).
    9. J. A. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, Atom-Based Vector Microwave Electrometry Using Rubidium Rydberg Atoms in a Vapor Cell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 063001 (2013).
    10. P. Bienias, K. Pawlowski, T. Pfau, K. Rzazewski, Ground state of a two component dipolar Fermi gas in a harmonic potential, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043604 (2013).
    11. A. Urvoy, C. Carr, R. Ritter, C. S. Adams, K. J. Weatherill, R. Löw, Optical coherences and wavelength mismatch in ladder systems, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 245001 (2013).
    12. D. Barredo, H. Kübler, R. Daschner, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Electrical read out for coherent phenomena involving Rydberg atoms in thermal vapor cells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 123002 (2013).
    13. T. Baluktsian, B. Huber, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Evidence for strong van der Waals-type Rydberg-Rydberg interaction in thermal vapor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 123001 (2013).
    14. D. Peter, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, H. P. Büchler, Driving dipolar fermions into the quantum Hall regime by spin-flip induced insertion of angular momentum, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 145303 (2013).
    15. H. Kübler, D. Booth, J. Sedlacek, P. Zabawa, J. P. Shaffer, Exploiting the coupling between a Rydberg atom and a surface phonon polariton for single-photon subtraction, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043810 (2013).
  13. 2012

    1. J. Nipper, J. B. Balewski, A. T. Krupp, B. Butscher, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Highly Resolved Measurements of Stark-Tuned Förster Resonances between Rydberg Atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 113001 (2012).
    2. R. Daschner, R. Ritter, H. Kübler, N. Frühauf, E. Kurz, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Fabrication and characterization of an electrically contacted vapor cell, Opt. Lett. 37, 2271 (2012).
    3. R. Löw, H. Weimer, J. Nipper, J. B. Balewski, B. Butscher, H. P. Büchler, T. Pfau, An experimental and theoretical guide to strongly interacting Rydberg gases, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 113001 (2012).
    4. J. Sedlacek, A. Schwettmann, H. Kübler, R. Löw, T. Pfau, J. P. Shaffer, Quantum Assisted Electrometry using Bright Atomic Resonances, Nature Physics 8, 819–824 (2012).
    5. D. Peter, K. Pawłowski, T. Pfau, K. Rzążewski, Mean-field description of dipolar bosons in triple-well potentials, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 45, 225302 (2012).
    6. A. Kölle, G. Epple, H. Kübler, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Four-wave mixing involving Rydberg states in a thermal vapor cell, Phys. Rev A 85, 063821 (2012).
    7. M. Falkenau, V. V. Volchkov, J. Rührig, H. Gorniaczyk, A. Griesmaier, Evaporation-limited loading of an atomic trap, Phys. Rev. A 85, 023412 (2012).
    8. A. Maluckov, G. Gligoric, L. Hadzievski, B. A. Malomed, T. Pfau, Stable periodic density waves in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in optical lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 140402 (2012).
    9. J. Nipper, J. B. Balewski, A. T. Krupp, S. Hofferberth, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Atomic Pair-State Interferometer: Controlling and Measuring an Interaction-Induced Phase Shift in Rydberg-Atom Pairs, Phys. Rev. X 2, 031011 (2012).
    10. J. Billy, E. A. L. Henn, S. Müller, T. Maier, H. Kadau, A. Griesmaier, M. Jona-Lasinio, L. Santos, T. Pfau, Deconfinement-induced collapse of a coherent array of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. A 86, 051603 (2012).
  14. 2011

    1. S. Müller, J. Billy, E. A. L. Henn, H. Kadau, A. Griesmaier, M. Jona-Lasinio, L. Santos, Stability of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in a one-dimensional lattice, Phys. Rev. A 84, 053601 (2011).
    2. B. Huber, T. Baluktsian, M. Schlagmüller, A. Kölle, H. Kübler, R. Löw, T. Pfau, GHz Rabi flopping to Rydberg states in hot atomic vapor cells, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 243001 (2011).
    3. D. Barredo, H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, T. Baluktsian, H. Giessen, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Observation of Electromegnatically Induced Transparency involving Rydberg States in Microcells, proceedings of the XX International Conference “Laser Spectroscopy” (ICOLS 2011) (2011).
    4. M. Falkenau, V. V. Volchkov, J. Rührig, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, Continuous Loading of a Conservative Trap from an Atomic Beam, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 163002 (2011).
    5. J. Honer, R. Löw, H. Weimer, T. Pfau, H. P. Büchler, Artificial atoms can do more than atoms: Deterministic single photon subtraction from arbitrary light fields, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 093601 (2011).
    6. W. Li, T. Pohl, J. M. Rost, S. T. Rittenhouse, H. R. Sadeghpour, J. Nipper, B. Butscher, J. B. Balewski, V. Bendkowsky, R. Löw, T. Pfau, A Homonuclear Molecule with a Permanent Electric Dipole Moment, Science 334, 1110 (2011).
    7. J. Billy, S. Müller, E. A. L. Henn, H. Kadau, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, A dipolar quantum gas in a one dimensional optical lattice, proceedings of the XX International Conference “Laser Spectroscopy” (ICOLS 2011) (2011).
    8. B. Butscher, V. Bendkowsky, J. Nipper, J. B. Balewski, L. Kukota, R. Löw, T. P. W. Li, T. Pohl, J. M. Rost, Lifetimes of ultralong-range Rydberg molecules in vibrational ground and excited states, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 44, 184004 (2011).
  15. 2010

    1. J. Honer, H. Weimer, T. Pfau, H. P. Büchler, Collective many-body interaction in Rydberg dressed atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 160404 (2010).
    2. T. Baluktsian, C. Urban, T. Bublat, H. Giessen, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Fabrication method for microscopic vapor cells for alkali atoms, Opt. Lett. 35, 1950 (2010).
    3. V. Bendkowsky, B. Butscher, J. Nipper, J. Balewski, J. P. Shaffer, R. Löw, T. Pfau, W. Li, J. Stanojevic, T. Pohl, J. M. Rost, Rydberg trimers and excited dimers bound by internal quantum reflection, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 163201 (2010).
    4. A. Aghajani-Talesh, M. Falkenau, V. V. Volchkov, L. E. Trafford, T. Pfau, A. Griesmaier, Laser cooling of a magnetically guided ultra cold atom beam, New J. Phys. 12, 065018 (2010).
    5. T. Lahaye, T. Pfau, L. Santos, Mesoscopic Ensembles of Polar Bosons in Triple-Well Potentials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 170404 (2010).
    6. H. Kübler, J. P. Shaffer, T. Baluktsian, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Coherent excitation of Rydberg atoms in micrometre-sized atomic vapour cells, Nature Photonics 4, 112 (2010).
    7. F. Schmidt-Kaler, T. Pfau, P. Schmelcher, W. (eds. ) Schleich, Focus on Atom Optics and its Applications, New J. Phys. 12, 065014 (2010).
    8. B. Butscher, J. Nipper, J. B. Balewski, L. Kukota, V. Bendkowsky, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Atom-molecule coherence for ultralong range Rydberg dimers, Nature Physics 6, 970–974 (2010).
  16. 2009

    1. N. Liu, L. Langguth, T. Weiss, J. Kästel, M. Fleischhauer, T. Pfau, H. Giessen, Plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency at the Drude damping limit, Nature Materials 8, 758–762 (2009).
    2. V. Bendkowsky, B. Butscher, J. Nipper, J. P. Shaffer, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Observation of ultralong-range Rydberg molecules, Nature 458, 1005–1008 (2009).
    3. R. Löw, T. Pfau, Hot atoms rotate light rapidly, Nature Photon. 3, 197 (2009).
    4. T. Lahaye, C. Menotti, L. Santos, M. Lewenstein, T. Pfau, The physics of dipolar bosonic quantum gases, Rep. Prog. Phys. 72, 126401 (2009).
    5. A. Griesmaier, A. Aghajani-Talesh, M. Falkenau, J. Sebastian, A. Greiner, T. Pfau, A high flux of ultra-cold chromium atoms in a magnetic guide, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 145306 (2009).
    6. J. Metz, T. Lahaye, B. Fröhlich, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, H. Saito, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda, Coherent collapse of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate for different trap geometries, New J. Phys. 11, 055032 (2009).
    7. R. Löw, H. Weimer, U. Krohn, R. Heidemann, V. Bendkowsky, B. Butscher, H. P. Büchler, T. Pfau, Universal scaling in a strongly interacting Rydberg gas, Phys. Rev. A 80, 033422 (2009).
    8. A. Aghajani-Talesh, M. Falkenau, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, A proposal for continuous loading of an optical dipole trap with magnetically guided ultra cold atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42, 245302 (2009).
  17. 2008

    1. T. Lahaye, J. Metz, T. Koch, B. Fröhlich, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, To appear in ÄTOMIC PHYSICS, in press, doi:10.1142/9789814273008_0016.
    2. A. Muramatsu, T. P. (eds.), Focus on Quantum Correlations in Tailored Matter, New J. Phys. 10, 045001 (2008).
    3. T. Lahaye, J. Metz, B. Fröhlich, T. Koch, M. Meister, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, H. Saito, Y. Kawaguchi, M. Ueda, d-Wave Collapse and Explosion of a Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett 101, 080401 (2008).
    4. U. Raitzsch, V. Bendkowsky, R. Heidemann, B. Butscher, R. Löw, T. Pfau, An echo experiment in a strongly interacting Rydberg gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 013002 (2008).
    5. R. Heidemann, U. Raitzsch, V. Bendkowsky, B. Butscher, R. Löw, T. Pfau, Rydberg excitation of Bose-Einstein condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 033601 (2008).
    6. T. Pfau, “Atomwolken wie Kleeblätter geformt” von Rainer Scharf, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung N2, 27 (2008).
    7. H. Weimer, R. Löw, T. Pfau, H. P. Büchler, Quantum critical behavior in strongly interacting Rydberg gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 250601 (2008).
    8. T. Koch, T. Lahaye, J. Metz, B. Fröhlich, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, Stabilizing a purely dipolar quantum gas against collapse, Nature Physics 4, 218 (2008).
    9. T. Pfau, Atoms do a clover to the “bose-nova”, Physics World 2008 (2008) (available at
  18. 2007

    1. B. Kaltenhäuser, H. Kübler, A. Chromik, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, A. Imamoglu, Electromagnetically Induced Transparency in optically trapped rubidium atoms, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, 1907 (2007).
    2. Th. Lahaye, T. Koch, B. Fröhlich, M. Fattori, J. Metz, A. Griesmaier, S. Giovanazzi, T. Pfau, Strong dipolar effects in a quantum ferrofluid, Nature 448, 672 (2007).
    3. L. Santos, M. Fattori, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Spinor condensates with a laser-induced quadratic Zeeman effect, Phys. Rev. A 75, 053606 (2007).
    4. J. Stuhler, A. Griesmaier, J. Werner, T. Koch, M. Fattori, T. Pfau, Ultracold chromium atoms: From Feshbach resonances to a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate, J. Mod Opt. 54, 647 (2007).
    5. C. Menotti, M. Lewenstein, T. Lahaye, T. Pfau, Dipolar interaction in ultra-cold atomic gases, Alessandro Campa 4, 8 (2007).
    6. B. Fröhlich, T. Lahaye, B. Kaltenhäuser, H. Kübler, S. Müller, T. Koch, M. Fattori, T. Pfau, A two-frequency acousto-optic modulator driver to improve the beam pointing stability during intensity ramps, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 043101 (2007).
    7. R. Heidemann, U. Raitzsch, V. Bendkowsky, B. Butscher, R. Löw, L. Santos, T. Pfau, Evidence for coherent collective Rydberg excitation in the strong blockade regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 163601 (2007).
    8. B. Kaltenhäuser, H. Kübler, A. Chromik, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Low retaining force optical viewport seal, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 046107 (2007).
    9. K. Glaum, A. Pelster, H. Kleinert, T. Pfau, Critical Temperature of Weakly Interacting Dipolar Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 080407 (2007).
    10. A. Greiner, J. Sebastian, P. Rehme, A. Aghajani-Talesh, A. Griesmaier, T. Pfau, Loading chromium atoms in a magnetic guide, J. Phys. B 40, F77 (2007).
    11. S. Giovanazzi, L. Santos, T. Pfau, Collective oscillations of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates and accurate comparison between contact and dipolar interaction, Phys. Rev. A 75, 015604 (2007).
  19. 2006

    1. M. Fattori, T. Koch, S. Goetz, A. Griesmaier, S. Hensler, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Demagnetization cooling of a gas, Nature Physics 2, 765 (2006).
    2. L. Santos, T. Pfau, Spin-3 Chromium Bose-Einstein Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 190404 (2006).
    3. A. Grabowski, R. Heidemann, R. Löw, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, High Resolution Rydberg Spectroscopy of ultracold Rubidium Atoms, Fortschr. Phys. 54, 765 (2006).
    4. S. Giovanazzi, P. Pedri, L. Santos, A. Griesmaier, M. Fattori, T. Koch, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Expansion dynamics of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. A 74, 013621 (2006).
    5. A. Shevchenko, M. Heilio, T. Lindvall, A. Jaakkola, I. Tittonen, M. Kaivola, T. Pfau, Phys. Rev. A, in press (available at
    6. A. Griesmaier, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Production of a chromium Bose-Einstein condensate, Appl. Phys. B 82, 211 (2006).
    7. A. Griesmaier, J. Stuhler, T. Koch, M. Fattori, T. Pfau, S. Giovanazzi, Comparing contact and dipolar interaction in a Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 250402 (2006).
  20. 2005

    1. R. Arun, I. Sh. Averbukh, T. Pfau, Atom nanolithography with multilayer light masks: Particle optics analysis, Phys. Rev. A 72, 023417 (2005).
    2. J. Werner, A. Griesmaier, S. Hensler, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, A. Simoni, E. Tiesinga, Observation of Feshbach Resonances in an Ultracold Gas of 52Cr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 183201 (2005).
    3. J. Stuhler, A. Griesmaier, T. Koch, M. Fattori, S. Giovanazzi, P. Pedri, L. Santos, T. Pfau, Observation of Dipole-Dipole Interaction in a Degenerate Quantum Gas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 150406 (2005).
    4. R. Löw, R. Gati, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Probing the light-induced dipole-dipole interaction in momentum space, Europhysics Letters 71, 214 (2005).
    5. A. Griesmaier, J. Werner, S. Hensler, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Bose-Einstein condensation of chromium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 160401 (2005).
    6. S. Hensler, A. Greiner, J. Stuhler, T. Pfau, Depolarisation cooling of an atomic cloud, Europhys. Lett. 71, 918 (2005).
  21. 2004

    1. S. Hensler, A. Griesmaier, J. Werner, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, A two species trap for chromium and rubidium atoms, J. Mod. Opt 51, 1807 (2004).
  22. 2003

    1. D. Schneble, M. Hasuo, T. Anker, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Detection of cold metastable atoms at a surface, Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 2685 (2003).
    2. D. Schneble, M. Hasuo, T. Anker, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Integrated atom-optical circuit with continous-wave operation, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 648 (2003).
    3. S. Giovanazzi, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, Ballistic expansion of a dipolar condensate, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5, 208 (2003).
    4. P. O. Schmidt, S. Hensler, J. Werner, T. Binhammer, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, Doppler cooling of an optically dense cloud of trapped atoms, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 20, 5 (2003).
    5. A. Grabowski, T. Pfau, A lattice of magneto-optical and magnetic traps for cold atoms, Eur.Phys.J.D 22, 347 (2003).
    6. P. O. Schmidt, S. Hensler, J. Werner, T. Binhammer, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, Continuous loading of cold atoms into a Ioffe-Pritchard magnetic trap, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 5, 170 (2003).
    7. P. O. Schmidt, S. Hensler, J. Werner, A. Griesmaier, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, A. Simoni, Determination of the s -wave Scattering Length of Chromium, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 193201 (2003).
    8. T. Pfau, Y. Ovchinnikov, Multimode interferometer, US-Patent 6, 657 (2003).
    9. S. Hensler, J. Werner, A. Griesmaier, P. O. Schmidt, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, S. Giovanazzi, K. Rzazewski, Dipolar Relaxation in an ultra-cold Gas of magnetically trapped chromium atoms, Appl. Phys. B 77, 765 (2003).
    10. M. Oberthaler, T. Pfau, One-, two- and three-dimensional nanostructures with atom lithography, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, R233 (2003).
  23. 2002

    1. R. Löw, T. Pfau, Ein Ausflug in die Quantenwelt, Hrsg. Jürgen Audretsch (2002) (2002).
    2. T. Pfau, Y. Ovchinnikov, Interferometer, Europäisches Patentamt 10, 07 (2002).
    3. S. Giovanazzi, A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, Tuning the dipolar interaction in quantum gases, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 130401 (2002).
    4. J. Schoser, A. Batär, R. Löw, V. Schweikhard, A. Grabowski, Y. B. Ovchinnikov, T. Pfau, An intense source of cold Rb atoms from a pure two-dimensional magneto-optical trap, Phys. Rev. A. 66, 023410 (2002).
    5. T. Pfau, Continuous progress on atom lasers, Perspectives 296, 2155 (2002).
    6. T. Pfau, Skript zum Wahlpflichtfach Atom- und Quantenoptik SS 2002: “Atomoptik” (2002).
  24. 2001

    1. A. Görlitz, T. Pfau, Ein Verstärker für Materie- und Lichtwellen, Phys. Bl. 57, 5 (2001).
    2. Y. B. Ovchinnikov, T. Pfau, Revivals and oscillations of the momentum of light in a planar multimode waveguide, Phys. Rev. Lett 87, 123901 (2001).
    3. Th. Schulze, T. Müther, D. Jürgens, B. Brezger, M. K. Oberthaler, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Structured doping with a light force, Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 12 (2001).
    4. L. Santos, F. Floegel, T. Pfau, M. Lewenstein, Continuous optical loading of a Bose-Einstein Condensate, Phys. Rev. A 63, 063408 (2001).
    5. J. Stuhler, P. O. Schmidt, S. Hensler, J. Werner, J. Mlynek, T. Pfau, Continuous loading of a magnetic trap, Phys. Rev. A 64, 031405 (2001).
  25. 2000

    1. Th. Schulze, B. Brezger, R. Mertens, M. Pivk, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Writing a superlattice with light forces, Appl. Phys. B 70, 671 (2000).
    2. S. Inouye, R. F. Löw, S. Gupta, T. Pfau, A. Görlitz, T. L. Gustavson, D. E. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, Amplification of light and atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 4225 (2000).
    3. K. Góral, K. Rzazewski, T. Pfau, Bose-Einstein condensation with magnetic dipole-dipole forces, Phys. Rev. A 61, 051601 (2000).
  26. 1999

    1. S. Inouye, T. Pfau, S. Gupta, A. P. Chikkatur, A. Görlitz, D. E. Pritchard, W. Ketterle, Phasecoherent amplification of atomic matter waves, Nature 402, 641 (1999).
    2. B. Brezger, Th. Schulze, P. O. Schmidt, R. Mertens, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Polarization gradient light masks in atom lithography, Europhys. Lett. 46, 148 (1999).
    3. T. Pfau, Ultrakalte Atome an Oberflächen, Phys. Bl. 55, 39 (1999).
    4. H. Perrin, A. Kuhn, I. Bouchoulle, T. Pfau, Ch. Salomon, Raman cooling of spin polarized atoms in a crossed dipole trap, Europhys. Lett. 46, 141 (1999).
    5. A. S. Bell, B. Brezger, U. Drodofsky, S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Stuhler, Th. Schulze, J. Mlynek, Nanolithography with atoms, Surface Science 433, 40 (1999).
    6. S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, A matter-wave interferometer based on the dc-Stark effect, Appl. Phys. B 69, 269 (1999).
    7. Th. Schulze, B. Brezger, P. O. Schmidt, R. Mertens, A. S. Bell, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Sub-100nm structures by neutral atom lithography, Microelectronic Engineering 46, 105 (1999).
    8. A. S. Bell, J. Stuhler, S. Locher, S. Hensler, J. Mlynek, T. Pfau, A magneto-optical trap for chromium with population repumping via intercombination lines, Europhys. Lett. 45, 156 (1999).
  27. 1998

    1. H. Gauck, M. Hartl, D. Schneble, H. Schnitzler, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, A quasi 2D gas of laser cooled atoms in a planar matter waveguide, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5298 (1998).
    2. S. Nowak, N. Stuhler, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, A charged wire-interferometer for atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 5792 (1998).
    3. D. Leibfried, T. Pfau, C. Monroe, Shadows and Mirrors: Reconstructing Quantum States of Atom Motion, Phys. Today 51, 22 (1998).
  28. 1997

    1. S. Nowak, Ch. Kurtsiefer, T. Pfau, C. David, High-Order Talbot fringes for atomic matter waves, Opt. Lett. 22, 1430 (1997).
    2. T. Müller-Seydlitz, M. Hartl, B. Brezger, H. Hänsel, C. Keller, A. Schnetz, R. J. C. Spreeuw, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Atoms in the Lowest Motional Band of a Three-Dimensional Optical Lattice, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1038 (1997).
    3. T. Pfau, Ch. Kurtsiefer, Partial reconstruction of the motional Wigner function of an ensemble of Helium atoms, J. Mod. Opt. 44, 2551 (1997).
    4. Ch. Kurtsiefer, O. Dross, D. Voigt, C. R. Ekstrom, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Observation of correlated atom-photon pairs on the single-particle level, Phys. Rev. A 55, R2539 (1997).
    5. Th. Schulze, U. Drodofsky, B. Brezger, J. Stuhler, S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Optoelectronics ’, in press, doi:10.1117/12.273774.
    6. V. Sandoghdar, U. Drodofsky, Th. Schulze, B. Brezger, M. Drewsen, T. Pfau, Lithography using nano-lens arrays made of light, J. Mod. Opt. 44, 1883 (1997).
    7. T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, A 2D quantum gas of laser cooled atoms, OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series 7, 33 (1997).
    8. B. Brezger, Th. Schulze, U. Drodofsky, J. Stuhler, S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Nanolithography with neutral Chromium and Helium atoms, J. of Vac. Sci. Technol. B 15, 2905 (1997).
    9. U. Drodofsky, J. Stuhler, B. Brezger, Th. Schulze, M. Drewsen, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Nanometerscale lithography with chromiunm atoms using light forces, Microelectronic Engineering 35, 285 (1997).
    10. W. Power, T. Pfau, M. Wilkens, Loading atoms into a surface trap: simulations of an experimental scheme, Opt. Commun. 143, 125 (1997).
    11. U. Drodofsky, J. Stuhler, Th. Schulze, M. Drewsen, B. Brezger, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Hexagonal nanostructures generated by light masks for neutral atoms, Appl. Phys. B 65, 755 (1997).
    12. Ch. Kurtsiefer, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Measurement of the Wigner function of an ensemble of helium atoms, Nature 386, 150 (1997).
    13. S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Writing nanostructures with a metastable helium beam, Microelectronic Engineering 35, 427 (1997).
    14. D. Haubrich, D. Meschede, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Atomlithographie, Phys. Bl. 53, 523 (1997).
  29. 1996

    1. M. Wilkens, R. J. C. Spreeuw, T. Pfau, U. Janicke, J. Mlynek, Towards a laser-like source of atoms, Prog. Crystal Growth and Charact. 33, 385 (1996).
    2. S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Nanolithography with metastable helium, Appl. Phys. B 63, 203 (1996).
    3. U. Drodofsky, M. Drewsen, T. Pfau, S. Nowak, J. Mlynek, Atom Lithography Using Light Forces, Microelectronic Engineering 30, 383–386 (1996).
    4. T. Pfau, Ch. Kurtsiefer, C. R. Ekstrom, J. Mlynek, Experiments with correlated atom-photon states, Proceedings of the 7th, 123 (1996).
    5. R. J. C. Spreeuw, T. Pfau, U. Janicke, M. Wilkens, J. Mlynek, in"Laser Spectroscopy XII" p., in press.
    6. T. Sleator, T. Pfau, V. Balykin, O. Carnal, J. Mlynek, Experimental demonstration of the optical Stern-Gerlach-effect, Phys. Rev. Lett. 68 (1996).
    7. T. Pfau, Ch. Kurtsiefer, J. Mlynek, Double slit experiments with correlated atom-photon states, J. Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 8, 665 (1996).
    8. M. Kreis, F. Lison, D. Haubrich, D. Meschede, S. Nowak, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Pattern generation with cesium atomic beams at nanometer scales, Appl. Phys. B 63, 649 (1996).
    9. T. Pfau. Ch. Kurtsiefer, J. Mlynek, in “Laser Spectroscopy XII” p., in press.
    10. C. R. Ekstrom, Ch. Kurtsiefer, D. Voigt, O. Dross, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Coherent excitation of a He* beam observed in atomic momentum distributions, Opt. Comm. 123, 505 (1996).
    11. T. Pfau, Ch. Kurtsiefer, C. R. Ekstrom, R. J. C. Spreeuw, M. Hartl, U. Janicke, M. Wilkens, J. Mlynek, Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” on “Coherent and Collective Interactions of Particles and Radiation Beams,” in press.
  30. 1995

    1. R. J. C. Spreeuw, T. Pfau, U. Janicke, M. Wilkens, Laser-like Scheme for Atomic Matter Waves, Europhys. Lett. 32, 469 (1995).
    2. Ch. Kurtsiefer, T. Pfau, S. Spälter, C. R. Ekstrom, J. Mlynek, A Heisenberg Microscope for Atoms, Ann. of the New York Acad. of Sci. 755, 162 (1995).
    3. Ch. Kurtsiefer, T. Pfau, C. R. Ekstrom, J. Mlynek, Time-resolved detection of atoms diffracted from a standing light wave, Appl. Phys. B 60, 229 (1995).
  31. 1994

    1. T. Pfau, A. Schnetz, C. S. Adams, Ch. Kurtsiefer, M. Sigel, J. Mlynek, Proceedings of the Adriatico Workshop on Quantum Interferometry, in press (available at
    2. T. Pfau, S. Spälter, Ch. Kurtsiefer, C. R. Ekstrom, J. Mlynek, Loss of spatial coherence by a single spontaneous emission, Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 1223 (1994).
    3. T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Neue Entwicklungen in der Atomoptik, Phys. Bl. 50, 45 (1994).
  32. 1993

    1. T. Pfau, C. S. Adams, J. Mlynek, Proposal for a magneto-optical beam splitter for atoms, Europhys. Lett. 21, 439 (1993).
    2. T. Pfau, Ch. Kurtsiefer, C. S. Adams, M. Sigel, J. Mlyne, A magneto-optical beam splitter for atoms, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3427 (1993).
    3. M. Sigel, T. Pfau, C. S. Adams, Ch. Kurtsiefer, W. Seifert, C. Heine, R. Kaiser, J. Mlynek, A. Aspect, Optical Elements for Atoms: A Beamsplitter and a Mirror, in “Fundamentals of Quantum Optics” (1993) (1993) (available at
    4. C. S. Adams, T. Pfau, Ch. Kurtsiefer, J. Mlynek, Interactions of atoms with a magneto-optical potential, Phys. Rev. A 48, 2108 (1993).
    5. C. S. Adams, T. Pfau, J. Mlynek, Atomic beamsplitters based on light, in Ätomic Physics 13, 275 (1993).
  33. 1992

    1. T. Sleator, T. Pfau, V. Balykin, J. Mlynek, Imaging and focusing of an atomic beam with a large period standing wave, Appl. Phys. B 54, 375 (1992).
    2. T. Sleator, O. Carnal, T. Pfau, A. Faulstich, H. Takuma, J. Mlynek, Atom Interferometry with Mechanical Structures, in “Laser Spectroscopy X” (1992) (1992) (available at


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